What’s BSI Seminar Series?
Research seminars are an important vehicle through which researchers can stay abreast of the most cutting-edge developments in various fields of brain research. BSI Seminar Series (BSS) is a “flagship” seminar series at BSI. The speakers playing a leading and exciting role in their current field of research, are invited mostly from abroad. BSS is open to scientific community inside and outside of RIKEN. Thus, the BSS provides a unique opportunity for young scientists in Japan to have discussion with distinguished scientists from the world on their cutting-edge research achievements. We sincerely hope to see you in BSS.
URL: http://www.brain.riken.jp/en/learning/BSS/
埼玉県和光市広沢2-1 脳科学総合研究センター中央研究棟1階 セミナールーム
June 25
Fred Gage, Salk Institute
"Neuronal Plasticity and Neuronal Diversity"
Host: Atsushi Miyawaki
September 20
György Buzsáki, New York University
“Neural Syntax: Oscillations Organize Cell Assemblies”
Host: Shigeyoshi Fujisawa
October 11
Jonathan Sebat, University of California, San Diego
“Autism, Schizophrenia and Other Intrinsic Properties of the Human Genome”
Host: Toru Takumi
October 30
Daniel Geschwind, University of California, Los Angeles
“Autism: A Model for Integrative Genomics in Neuropsychiatric Disease”
Host: Takeo Yoshikawa
December 6
Kensaku Mori, The University of Tokyo
“Information Processing Rhythms in Neuronal Circuits of Central Olfactory System”
Host: Yoshihiro Yoshihara
Tel: 048-462-1111(内線 7514)