Call for RIKEN Hakubi Fellows – Junior PI Program (FY2021)
RIKEN offers junior Principal Investigator (PI) positions, the RIKEN Hakubi Fellows, for exceptionally talented researchers for a maximum of 7 years. RIKEN Hakubi Fellows are expected to engage in creative and ambitious research in natural and mathematical sciences, including research areas bordering the humanities and social sciences, by leading their independent research teams. Proposals intended to resolve urgent issues that humankind faces today are also welcome (See for example, Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations).
One of the important goals of the RIKEN Hakubi Fellows Program is to foster stimulating interactions among the Fellows with diverse backgrounds and to create an intellectual hub of scientists with different disciplines within and beyond RIKEN.
Up to two Hakubi Fellow positions are offered this year.
◆ What is “Hakubi”? – Hakubi is a proverb derived from classical Chinese literature. There were five siblings in ancient China, all excellent, but the most brilliant one had white (haku) eyebrows (bi).
Applicants should be talented researchers who are able to engage in research at RIKEN on a full-time basis with the ability to manage their laboratories as PIs. A doctoral degree is not necessarily required for this position.
Research environment
In addition to the salary, a successful candidate will be allocated a research budget of 10 to 40 million yen per year depending on the research plan and the progress. The Hakubi Fellow is assigned a laboratory space of about 150 square meters in total at Wako campus or, if considered necessary, at one of RIKEN’s branches in Japan. The final details will be decided through discussions with the Hakubi Fellows Program Head.
Term of employment and salary
Employment starts on April, 2021 or later and the contract period is up to a total of 5 years. Upon evaluation the period can be extended for additional 2 years, for a maximum of 7 years.
The annual salary is approximately 10 million yen per year (including tax) . In addition, commuting and housing allowances are provided according to the RIKEN regulations.
Application and screening procedures
See our website for details: https://www.riken.jp/en/careers/programs/hakubi/hakubi2021/
The first stage of screening is an evaluation of submitted documents, the results of which is notified by early September. Successful applicants then proceed to the second stage, the interview, which is currently scheduled to take place in autumn.
Online registration: 24:00 (JST), July 21, 2020
Upload of application documents: 15:00 (JST), July 30, 2020
Contact Information
RIKEN Hakubi Desk,
Research Personnel Affairs Section, RIKEN