I am pleased to announce that a research project "Mechanical self-transformation of living systems" we proposed for KAKENHI the Grants-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) will start this year (from FY2022 to FY2026). Our project aims to develop new paradigms for morphogenesis through a quantitative and holistic evaluation of how mechanical forces control the emergent properties of self-organizing feedbacks in the developing organisms. We are calling for publicly-offered projects that will investigate a wide range of mechanical self-organization events. We expect research teams to investigate the physiological functions of mechanics by manipulating forces within cells and tissues while employing quantitative measurement and analysis of mechanical forces. We will organize two briefing sessions via Zoom (see below) to explain our planned research projects and answer questions from the audience.
Please make advance registration with the link below:
First session: 2022年9月9日(金) 16:00-17:00
Second session: 2022年9月16日(金) 16:00-17:00
Zoom Info: Meeting ID: 699 308 5767 Passcode: FMYNSK
Application procedures and application forms can be found below:
(page 44 in the PDF file)
Head Investigator: Fumio MOTEGI
For inquires: multicellular_mechanics@igm.hokudai.ac.jp
Homepage: https://multicellular-mechanics.org
力が制御する生体秩序の創発 チーム
Mechanical self-transformation of living systems Team members
茂木文夫(北海道大学)Fumio MOTEGI(Hokkaido Univ)
柊卓志(京都大学)Takashi HIIRAGI(Kyoto Univ)
近藤武史(京都大学)Takefumi KONDO(Kyoto Univ)
Li-Kun Phng(理化学研究所)Li-Kun PHNG(RIKEN)
見學美根子(京都大学)Mineko KENGAKU(Kyoto Univ)
柴田達夫(理化学研究所)Tatsuo SHIBATA(RIKEN)
吉村成弘(京都大学)Shige YOSHIMURA(Kyoto Univ)
市川尚文(京都大学)Takafumi ICHIKAWA(Kyoto Univ)
Yu-Chiun Wang(理化学研究所)Yu-Chiun Wang(RIKEN)
進藤麻子(熊本大学)Asako SHINDO(Kumamoto Univ)
藤森俊彦(基生研)Toshihiko FUJIMORI(NIBB)
佐藤純(金沢大学)Makoto SATO(Kanazawa Univ)
奥田覚(金沢大学)Satoru OKUDA(Kanazawa Univ)
谷本博一(横浜市立大学)Hirokazu TANIMOTO(YCU)
宮崎牧人(京都大学)Makito MIYAZAKI(Kyoto Univ)